A sample letter from the Robert E. Eiche World War II Letter Collection
ALTOONA, Pa. — The next installment of Penn State Altoona's historical video project provides a background on the first director of Penn State Altoona, which was called the Altoona Undergraduate Center, established in 1939. The video showcases Robert E. Eiche's World War II Letter Collection, in which he corresponded with scores of servicemen and women who attended the University.
Each Penn State Altoona historical video project features a voiceover narrative accompanied by scanned photos and newspaper clippings. The video series is a way for the archive to be viewed and enjoyed during the pandemic and reach more people interested in the college's history or seeking a snapshot of what campus life was like from its founding to the present.
The series is produced by Daniel Thacker, reference and instruction librarian, and Gale Biddle, information resources and services support specialist. More information is available on the Robert E. Eiche Library website.