Penn State Altoona history students Will Auman, Jacob Dicks, Emma Moniz and Cinnsire Warner recently assisted Jared Frederick with a new temporary exhibit installation in the History program's rotating display case in the lobby of the Smith Building. The new display features original and personal artifacts that belonged to World War II veteran John C. Halloran and were donated by his son, Michael.
Chief Warrant Officer Amanda Strandburg and Army veteran Elizabeth Cooper will speak about their time in the military and the unique challenges they face as women in the armed forces. A question-and-answer session will immediately follow.
Penn State University Libraries will observe Veterans Day with a talk by a local World War II veteran and the Penn State faculty member who co-authored his memoir. Jared Frederick, assistant teaching professor of history at Penn State Altoona, and John Homan, co-authors of “Into the Cold Blue: My World War II Journeys with the Mighty Eighth Air Force,” will speak about Homan’s experiences in the war at 7 p.m. Nov. 11 in Foster Auditorium on the first floor of Paterno Library. A virtual attendance option is also available.
Michael Balmforth first served his country in the military. Now, as Penn State Altoona's first student veteran liaison, he's serving his college and his community.
The Office of Veterans Affairs and Services and the Office of Veterans Programs would like to invite student service members and veterans graduating this semester to participate in the University’s spring 2023 military honor cord ceremony on May 4 at University Park. This invitation is open to Penn State World Campus, Altoona, DuBois, Harrisburg and University Park graduates.
The video showcases Dr. Robert E. Eiche's World War II Letter Collection, in which he corresponded with scores of servicemen and women who attended the University.
Former Penn State Altoona student Clarence Hengst served as a World War II army chemist, keeping in touch via handwritten letters with campus director Robert Eiche.
Nearly 75 years after the end of World War II, correspondence from approximately 100 Penn State students and faculty members who served overseas has found a permanent home at the Robert E. Eiche Library at Penn State Altoona. The collection of 500 letters has been preserved by the library to offer students and researchers firsthand accounts of the everyday lived experiences of local soldiers during the war.
About 100 students and faculty members from Penn State Altoona kept in contact with Robert Eiche, the campus’ first director, after they left school to serve in World War II overseas. Today, the collection of about 500 letters is a permanent collection at the campus library.